I code, therefore I am... nerdy

CPU Speeds Have Maxed Out... Now What?

So, you now have this 8 core powerhouse. It has more horsepower than your old Mustang, but your code is only using 1/8th of that power. How come? Because while the rules of Moore’s law changed, your code hasn’t.

The problem isn’t that technology is changing, it’s that your language isn’t changing quick enough. Threads are the answer, or they were. Threads were the answer a few years back when we had two cores, maybe four. Now we have eight with sixteen just around the corner. And worse yet, cores may become less powerful to reduce heat and power. ARM processors have moved on to the personal computer and don’t seem to be slowing down. ARMs are a form of RISC processor or “Reduced Instruction Set Computer.” This means that it has a smaller instruction set than the laptop you have now. An instruction that takes one tick may take two in the future.

Okay, what gives? Why go backwards? Because it’s smaller, more efficient, less power hungry, etc… Smack a few dozen of those cores together and you have one fast machine. Now, I can’t predict the future obviously, nor am I marking the future death of the x86 instruction set. I’m just pointing out one possibility to show my point.

Okay, what is my point? You’re coding style will have to change if you want to stay “future proof.” Threading is difficult. It’s error prone, hard to predict, even harder to optimize. And what do you get out of this headache? Code that still takes only 1/8th of the CPU power available to it. The problem is, most of the time your code is waiting for input, an event to fire, or some I/O process to complete. You have to manage separate threads just to do the same job that was done on DOS years ago. Users expect responsive applications. If you want the truth, try using iTunes on a Windows PC.

So some languages have added features to help with calming your worried mind. For example, .NET added Parallel Extensions and the Reactive Extensions (Rx). And C++ finally added lambda expressions to the mix (although it was available in boost for a while). These help reduce the noise of making your code threaded, but still miss out when it comes to thread safety, deadlocks, or starvation.

You probably know the answer already. People have been blogging about it for a while now. It’s the new kid on the block… er, well, old kid. It’s functional programming, based off of lambda calculus from the 1930s. You may hear it by other names, such as F#, Haskell, Scheme, Erlang, OCaml, or LINQ.

Wait, LINQ? Yeah, you’ve been using functional programming all this time. All those lambdas you’ve been throwing at LINQ are examples of functional programming. And if you’ve done it correctly, they are possibly examples of purely functional programming. Those lambdas don’t have any side effects, so a search can be run on that list of 10,000 items on all of your cores, and without any work on your part. Parallel Extensions in .NET 4.0 does all the heavy lifting for you. This is great news, you say…

But alas, it’s not the final chapter in this story. Parallel Extensions are great if you constantly have to search for something in a list of 10,000 items, but your code answers to clicks and I/O events. You have more important things to do than playing around with something that’s of little to no use to the general coding population, building client applications. What we need is a true functional language.

And this is where the story ends, for now. Functional programming is the next logical step. Just imagine a language where you can write all methods, and they would magically run on other threads when branching, and that they would join up again when the branches merge. The code could trigger a UI update from one thread and not care if it’s on the UI thread or not. No longer are these your problems. You now write functions with no side effects; functions that are idempotent. Let the compiler worry about where the code should run, you have more important things to do.

It has started. Take a look at node.js. They use event driven functions. Most of the time, these functions call out to node.js, requesting or sending data, and send a callback to be called when it completes. No waiting. The server happily handles the I/O in the background and can process other requests while that Ruby on Rails site just sits there. It’s pretty neat stuff.

You can have this too for your desktop applications. F# brings .NET to the functional world. Qt has qtHaskell. wxWidgets has wx and Erlang. That means you can write WPF/Qt/wxWidgets applications that handle everything with event driven code and purely functional calls. It’s available now.

Problem is, functional programming is also hard, but in a different way. Of course, that’s for another place and time. For now, pick up a copy of Real World Haskellimage or Real World Functional Programming: With Examples in F# and C#image and start coding.
